Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Sigi Lamo North Maluku

Sigi Lamo North Maluku
Sigi Lamo North Maluku, or could be called the Great Mosque of North Maluku, which is one attraction of this religion has a lot of uniqueness of mosques in general. Starting from the history of the establishment, arsitekturanya, until the genealogy to the rules of procedure applicable to worship in mosques that stand up not far from the palace this Ternate Sultanate.
Lamo drum in the mosque Sigi, began beating. Some residents who live in the vicinity of the mosque began to arrive. Appear among the pilgrims who came this, none of which reassure glove. All of them wear long pants and cap.
Even if there are pilgrims who come wearing a sarong, the mosque itself has provided a cloak and pants of various sizes, and tell you to replace it.
We provide a cap, too, pleaded Hi Ahmad Ibrahim, one of the priests (Bobato hereafter) who met some time ago.
Rules and ordinances such as this, indeed, been true since the mosque's palace in Ternate Sultanate was established and since the advent of Islam in the Land of kie Raha Moluccas (Maluku).
â € œShalat here can not wear gloves, and had to wear caps. It is already by nature, â €? Daily executive said the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Sultanate of Ternate this palace after leading Friday prayers.
It is said that he said, there is a history so why the high levels, and characters from the palace of worship in Ternate memberlaakukan Sigi Lamo rules like that.
Rules do not allow disposable gloves in this mosque, associated with the history of textile entry into the land of the Moluccas. At that time indeed, the people here are familiar with textiles, but the raw materials it by the people of Ternate that time, only made her pants and underwear.
â € œAda story, every prayer the Prophet used to always wear my cap, never does. Well that's why prayer here must wear cap, if there is no cap, handkerchief became, â €? story.
In this mosque, not everyone can be a priest or preacher even though bilal. Only certain people are entrusted by the imperial duties as a means of devices such mosque.
According to the man who had four years as a priest in this historic mosque, there are four priests who take turns leading the prayers either Mandatory Prayer, Friday and Tarawih prayers in Ramadan. They are a class of Imam Jiko, Java Imam, Imam Imam Sangadji and Moti.
Each Imam in charge of four preachers, and they charge for a week and it starts from Friday prayers, and then rotated onwards, â €? said 40-year-old man who served as high priest of this Jiko.
Azan repercussion Kahlahkan Indigenous
In Sigi Lamo, not all of the assembly can occupy any row line. Therefore, row-specific Sahat can only be kept from court officials in accordance with the position and rank in the structure of the Sultanate of Ternate. In fact, provided a special place for a guest palace and government officials.
This rule applies only before the call to prayer echoed. After the call to prayer is finished, and is concerned not come, then the congregation who may occupy the row-row. So before the call to prayer, the prevailing custom, but after the adhan, the Islamic rules in force, he said.
If in most mosques in Ternate, bilal only one person, but in this Lamo Sigi, bilanya numbered four. Four of these four companions signify the prophet, and god created the earth from the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, the story.
Sigi Lamo, crowded visited residents to pray at certain moments. Especially during Ramadan, such as, Night and Night Laylat al-Qadr Qunut, and in each of the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
Because, not every day the Sultan of Ternate who often greeted Kolano Jou, down to prayer at Sigi Lamo. Only at certain moments.
In Sigi Lamo itself, there is a special room where prayer is the Sultan just inside the right side of the pulpit pulpit. Room 3A-3-meter-sized, is indeed separate from the rows of the mosque, and always closed the curtains if the sultan did not go down prayers.
Hidayatussalam SH. MH, nobility menceritrakan Sultanate of Ternate, in architecture, every corner of the mosque which was built in 1820, has a meaning. Starting from the stairs to the roof, walls and columns contained in the mosque.
The roof of the mosque from the front was numbered seven layers, according to signify the seven layers of heaven, but, from the side only amounted to five layers of roof that has a meaning of the five obligatory prayers.
Inside the mosque itself, there are four main pillars of the mosque roof support poles 16. Fourth pole, allegedly said he represents four mountains and the mighty empire in the Sultanate Malut Bacan, Tidore, Jailolo and Ternate.
In fact, he said that the fourth pillar, symbolizing the four mountains in Maluku in Ternate language called kiearaha (kie = mountains and secret = four) in the fourth empire.
This mosque is one of the oldest mosque in North Maluku and has many historical values ​​of Islam in the Moluccas. And it was written in one book of gold in the imperial palace of Ternate, â €? he said.
Although he was already hundreds of years, the mosque by the City Government of North Maluku Ternate and established as one of the historical attractions in North Maluku, it still looks sturdy stand and never damaged at all although some times hit by a large magnitude earthquake that ever hit Ternat